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All Christians pray for Obama, he really needs it: Psalms 109:8. I pray to the spirits upon the rising of every sun that all he has done to this country be repaid upon him. I pray that those who voluntarily swear an oath to accept so much responsibility only to violate that oath be dealt with severely by powers much greater than I. I also pray that those who voluntarily swear an oath to accept great responsibility and keep that oath be granted the blessings that their maker can bestow upon them. I am but an old feeble man, and though he can bring great damage and destruction upon me I can do nothing to him. And so I ask that the Great One, who sees into the hearts of all men, to look in his heart and judge him, for only the Great One knows what stuff he is made of.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

If you think like a master, a slave, or a thief then you NEED socialism

What is the mindset of a socialist? Where are we in this spectrum of masters, slaves, and thieves? You may already fit in one of these categories and not know it. And what about our children? What do they think? Well, here is one look into the mind of an amazing bunch of teenagers:

Pretty remarkable group for a bunch of kids. Did they create our Social Security system? Did they create our Medicare system? Many people in this country today expect them to be good subjects and assume the burden when they start working. It sounds a lot like masters expecting our children to be sold into slavery. All the while, we let the thieves walk away having spent our Social Security system into oblivion, to steal votes.

The Declaration of Independence is a remarkable document. These teenagers appear to have read it. How often does that happen in our government schools? When we have to go to court to sue our USeless F(ucking)ederal Govt to stop it from trampling our rights we really do not have them in the first place. We let the USeless Govt trample our rights everyday and it is just not worth the effort to fight it. Is that not true?

Another damn salamander gets put on the list of protected species and it is somebody's problem BUT IT IS NOT MINE! And every day, we have people in Washington pass more laws, issue more executive edicts, violate our laws, and we just let it happen. Oh sure, elect somebody different. Take a flight with the TSA's hand on your crotch because your 4th Amendment Right has been "suspended" for the common good. And when you finally have had it and you shout out in your frustration to not take it anymore, the jacked-booted thugs show up at your door to take you in for observation, to help you adjust, or keep you talk until you "admit" to a crime.

Guess what? Our Social Security Fund has been raided by every administration since JFK. And now, we are going to press our children into slavery while the thieves just walk away. None of us have the ethical or moral right to do that. Yet we are willing to become the masters rather than tracking down the thieves and hanging the filthy thieving bastards who deserve it.

SUCK IT UP YOU SOCIALIST BASTARDS! Something I have noticed about human nature, that if given the choice to be charitable people will freely volunteer to do it. But when made to be slaves of the crown, eventually the people rise up and slaughter the king and his allies.


  1. Another for the Greedy Obscene People's party. Build your wealth on the backs of old people. Who's the thief now? You're just another socialist.

    1. Thank you for showing us everything we have come to expect from years of liberal indoctrination. Auntie Em have spent a lot of time presenting you with facts, documented sources, and logical explanations. Instead, you come to our sites spewing your liberal bumper sticker logic.

      The liberal road goes on forever and the party never ends? The road does end. All that is left for you is a painful, drawn out, death.

  2. Nostradumbass here! Thanks be to Buttneckid for letting me know where you went. Miss your wit on Boortz, will be back

    1. Welcome my friend! We got us a place to be insensitive, politically incorrect, obnoxious, and anything offensive you can think of. Did you bring Miss Kitty? We need a kind woman to bring some charm to what is otherwise, a men's locker room!

  3. aaaw hellllll...there goes the neighborhood...
