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All Christians pray for Obama, he really needs it: Psalms 109:8. I pray to the spirits upon the rising of every sun that all he has done to this country be repaid upon him. I pray that those who voluntarily swear an oath to accept so much responsibility only to violate that oath be dealt with severely by powers much greater than I. I also pray that those who voluntarily swear an oath to accept great responsibility and keep that oath be granted the blessings that their maker can bestow upon them. I am but an old feeble man, and though he can bring great damage and destruction upon me I can do nothing to him. And so I ask that the Great One, who sees into the hearts of all men, to look in his heart and judge him, for only the Great One knows what stuff he is made of.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Obama Has to GO!

At all costs, Obama must go. He has to go. He has so many corollaries with oppressive regimes under Hitler and Stalin. Our head of DHS (Skunk-headed Butch Napolitano) has so much in common with Goering, gender identity issues, bringing in morally corrupt people, in order to run a government law enforcement agency. Goering started with taking over the police in Prussia, giving freedom to the Brown-Shirts, who were never vetted, to harass and imprison anyone of their choosing (TSA at the airports???). Prussian police who were outraged by the unethical and immoral behavior were released from their duties. Hitler then gained more power. Himmler successfully challenged Goering for that post and created what we know today as the Schutzstaffel, SS. Their target? The Jews and anyone who would not bend to the political will of the NAZI party. And Goering? While being in that position obtained files on all sorts of people to be used later, much like Butch Napolitano has access to files on everyone.

Obama gets reelected, what “Himmler” is waiting in the wings to take over from Napolitano??? Their target? Anyone who can offer resistance to a radical liberal takeover of our government, the veterans of our Armed Forces.

Recently, Secret Service, FBI, and local police showed up at Brandon Raub's house so they could (not) incarcerate him and then (not) hold him against his will all in violation of habeus or any civilized notion of "due process." Why? Quoting from Lew Rockwell (I refuse to obtain a Facebook account):
So, aside from a picture of him holding an old rifle, the only thing the overseers had on him were a few recent Facebook posts:

  1. I feel like I am standing at a great crossroads. As if a storm of destiny is about to pick me up and take me to fight a great battle. A battle I could have never imagined existed. 7/24/12

  2. We MUST rise up and take our country back. 7/30/12

  3. I am standing against a great evil. I will do it all by myself if I have to. 8/4/12

  4. This is the part where I tell the Federal Government to go fuck itself. This is the part where I tell Generals, training our young men to fight Americans, I am coming for you. The Veterans will be with me. 8/9/12

  5. I’m starting the Revolution. I’m done waiting. 8/10/12

  6. Sharpen up my axe; I’m here to sever heads. 8/13/12

  7. The Revolution will come for me. Men will be at my door soon to pick me up to lead it. 8/14/12

  8. The Revolution is here. And I will lead it. 8/14/12
#6, by the way, seems to be a lyric from a song called Bring Me Down by a band called Swollen Members. Several of these sound like rants a lot of us have had in moments of frustration.
Brandon was not taken to a jail. In true Stalin-esc style, Brandon was taken to a mental institution in handcuffs. The purpose, to "analyze" him as part of their "observation." No doubt, drugs were administered to keep him from "harming" himself. And what if while in a drugged state, he says something the Obama regime finds offensive???? Well, the USeless Federal Govt will USE IT! Of course! Never let an opportunity go to waste! The filthy tyrant Obama gets another opportunity to stomp on the Bill of Rights and take more of our liberties and rights away from us.

This is not an isolated incident. According to the Business Insider article, a startling 20,000 people are currently in that state's mental institution under similar circumstances. I guess they are waiting for their special Gulag Archipelago? And yet the New Black Panthers can make specific threats to kill people without so much as a jail sentence. Holder has seen to that. SFCMAC has collected a few New Black Panther home videos that show threats to "kill crackers," "kill cracker babies," "kill whitie," well, just look for yourself:

So imagine, a white man in a white robe walking down the street yelling "kill niggers" today? Well, I think you get the point. We live in an elitist liberal society where there are privileged groups. If you oppose the Govt, you get locked up by any means necessary. And if you are in with the liberal regime of Holder, Obama, The New Black Panthers, Bill Ayers, Dohrn, Farrakhan, et. al., you get a free pass.

I am a veteran. I own guns. I have a religious background that believes in ethical and moral values. I believe in the sanctity of life. I have helped other veterans returning from Afghanistan serving multiple back-to-back tours, witnessing raped and butchered women and children, given utterly stupid ROE (rules of engagement), with never a moment of downtime. The Army is classifying almost everyone with PTSD, out processing them, and there is no room in the VA, with budget cuts and the waste, fraud, and abuse in that organization.

Obama's economic policy is destroying the economy. When unemployment ran out for many free-loaders, Obama's minions found ways to raid Social Security by allowing these "depressed" job seekers to draw disability for their "depression." Obama has increased dependency on government beyond anything that we have witnessed in this country, including the granting of waivers to remove work requirements from state welfare disbursements.

At this point, I have hit almost every alarm bell highlighted in: Right Wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment. I am an enemy of The Obama State. Under a second term of Obama, it is a certainty the many of my veteran brothers and I will be hunted and put away for "observation" in the new Gulag Archipelago. If Obama continues, I will lose my property and my life.

I cannot afford to vote for anyone but Romney. Whether Obama or Romney is in charge, I believe that the collapse will come. Under Romney, maybe I can avoid the Obama Gulag Archipelago, survive what comes, and rebuild. I had hopes for Cain, but the liberal media massacred him. I had hopes for Ron Paul, but I had to register Republican, and that bothered me. Ron Paul can compromise his conviction to use the Republican Party to promote himself. If I allow Obama to be reelected by voting libertarian then I can only blame myself (and all libertarians need to realize that a vote that allows Obama to succeed is still a vote for Obama).


  1. Test one two,just checking for Buttneckid

  2. Hey OTR,it's Coop. Butt is having a hard time posting.Great to see you up and running.

  3. Coop!
    Welcome. We should have plenty of opportunities for fun.

    It appears there was some lag time between setting up the comments and getting them to work.

    Game ON!

  4. let's see if this werks...

    hey you kids!!!...get outa my damn yard...

    OTR...make sure you get your site address out there...

    security is a must...

    bIHn...(butt IGNORANUS HICK neckid)

  5. Hey guys! Butt showed up and he is setting up the .50 cal. Keep your butts down! No more barbed wire, he plays for keeps!!!!

  6. I wonder how many veterans will get picked up for psych eval come election day?

  7. I know 3,that will not be.Hey Butt,you OK...Can you see to shoot.:o)

  8. This isn't the kind of discusion we need in our free society. Typical of Repubictards and Romney voters. Your disgusting and just a bunch of skin heads. The Southern Law Poverty Center ( is recording your activity and I have notified the FBI of the threats against President Obama. You're a bunch of psychotic blow-hards. You'd be better off in padded rooms or something productive for low IQ ass-holes like yourselves.

  9. to anonamusty 2046 9/5...

    let me gib ya a spelin' lesson...

    your...mean it belong to you

    you're...means you are...

    so now that you got that straight...

    YOUR rectum will accept YOUR very pointed haid...YOU'RE an asshat...

    hugs an' kisses...butt IGNORANUS HICK neckid...

  10. OTR...ya gotta get this sign in ya gonna tell me from the anonamustys???...


  11. Anonymous @ September 5, 2012 8:46 AM

    Oh, I did not get my party red book. I guess you have come here to give me my freedom from choice lobotomy???? That is what they are doing in the psych wards for veterans these days. Would make it easier for Obama's goose-stepping, jack-booted, thugs to control all of us. Something you liberal elitists strive for.

    That Southern Poverty Bull-Shit Law Center can kiss my ass. They repeatedly let groups like the New Black Panther Klan go without a single peep. Or they let the likes of race-baiting pimping Sharpton/Jackson off the hook repeatedly for playing on race stereotypes to extort money out of citizens and companies.

    Oh, I think you want to call the Secret Service with that complaint, not the FBI. Of course, had you actually contacted anyone you would have known that. But then, I always enjoy mindless threats from moron liberals.

  12. Butt,

    Will this work? Using the Name/URL option. But to have it, the Anonymous poster comes with it.

  13. your shipmate COOP did you a good turn wit' the Guardian picture...I like it

  14. okay...chil'ren...yer unkle butt IGNORANUS HICK neckid is here...

    sumbuddy beer me!!!...

  15. it would appear as though there is a crybabylefty among us...

    you can believe anytang ya wants away crybaby...

    hell better yet here's my phone numba, call fer Junior...

  16. Hey Butt,

    I am hoping to attract many types of liberal insect life to my blog site. How else am I going to feed my chickens????

    I doubt that I will be able to keep up with the energy of SFCMAC!!

    I pity the fool that comes knocking at the door. My friends walk in and make themselves at home. Of course, it has been pretty hard on the Jehovah's Witnesses.
