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All Christians pray for Obama, he really needs it: Psalms 109:8. I pray to the spirits upon the rising of every sun that all he has done to this country be repaid upon him. I pray that those who voluntarily swear an oath to accept so much responsibility only to violate that oath be dealt with severely by powers much greater than I. I also pray that those who voluntarily swear an oath to accept great responsibility and keep that oath be granted the blessings that their maker can bestow upon them. I am but an old feeble man, and though he can bring great damage and destruction upon me I can do nothing to him. And so I ask that the Great One, who sees into the hearts of all men, to look in his heart and judge him, for only the Great One knows what stuff he is made of.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Need a Break?????

Feel like you cannot get away from this????

How about sitting back and having a little fun with Steve Lee:

Where can I get an M20 Recoilless Rifle? And how about some interior decoration ideas from Steve Lee.

Well, if she cannot have guns in the house then come out and see me. We can go out back and plink cans, shoot melons, or hunt coyote. Good hunting.


  1. I knew it!!! Knew you would have a kick ass blog.

  2. JCOOP I'm loving life,my wife loves guns...

  3. Great to see you folks! Thank you for the feedback. It is somewhat like setting up a chickee for the first time. Add a little from time to time to give it character.

    My squaw loves to shoot guns. Problem is, I have to clean them. Got her an XD-40. She shoots it a lot. Gun is very tolerant and is not demanding on the cleaning. WD-40 is an amazing invention. XD-40 and WD-40 seem to go well together.

    She is great with a knife too. She can dress out most anything I shoot.

    So, who ordered the keg???
