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All Christians pray for Obama, he really needs it: Psalms 109:8. I pray to the spirits upon the rising of every sun that all he has done to this country be repaid upon him. I pray that those who voluntarily swear an oath to accept so much responsibility only to violate that oath be dealt with severely by powers much greater than I. I also pray that those who voluntarily swear an oath to accept great responsibility and keep that oath be granted the blessings that their maker can bestow upon them. I am but an old feeble man, and though he can bring great damage and destruction upon me I can do nothing to him. And so I ask that the Great One, who sees into the hearts of all men, to look in his heart and judge him, for only the Great One knows what stuff he is made of.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

A New Milestone in Afghanistan, 2,000 US Soldiers Dead

Who knew there was still a conflict out there involving US Soldiers on foreign soil? Since Lord King Obama took over rulership of all of our lands, the media abandoned the day-by-day reporting of the status of forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. Both Democrats and Republicans voted for the conflicts in Iraq (cowardly ducking their duty to actually READ the US Constitution to observe that maybe, just maybe, their duty is to declare war, not hint at it from behind their wooden desks) and the liberal media quickly sterilized the Democrats and made this a "Bush's" war. From that point, our soldiers were treated as pawns while the media could dig in their claws on Bush. Then our soldiers were thrown under the bus for the almighty messiah, Barrack Obama.

Today the death toll is 2,000 dead in Afghanistan. But, what can we make of the leadership regarding this number. Is it just a number? In 14 years, 2,000 of our men and women, gone forever. In my service in the military, I never saw a more motivated group of self-thinkers, go-get-em types. Today, a large percentage of capable working people in our country does nothing, leaches off society, collects their Obama food stamps, picks up their Obama phones, sits in their basements, and thrives on Facebook. For Obama, the road goes on forever and the party never ends.

From, we can find what has happened for these past 14 years. On their site is a graph showing US fatalities for each year into the Afghanistan region conflict.

2012 is not over yet. The total casualties for the region (includes casualties of soldiers wounded in the operation to subsequently die in Germany undergoing treatment) is 2,126. Notice, that during the years of the Obama regime, the total number of casualties is 1,496. Obama has not yet ruled for 4 years and over 70% of the casualties of the entire conflict were on his watch AND a direct result of his ill-advised actions.

How can this be? The apologizing Dhimi in chief spent 2009 apologizing to Muslims, bowing to Muslims, ass kissing Muslims. Well, liberals everywhere are sure to chime in that it was the build up that caused this to happen. A build up of about 30,000 troops. How soon they forget that Obama decided to ignore the advice of the generals in the field and commit his own dangerously low number. General McChrystal, after being advised of the political ramifications of giving a large troop surge number, delivered a request for 50,000. Then, the Obama administration brow beat the general continually to come down to 40,000 and McChrystal would not budge. Obama then made his proclamation that only 30,000 would be needed since his apologizing tour would save lives.

Again, the liberal media absolved Obama of a war that is now very much his. Obama made these decisions for one reason. Like all liberals, they kill US Soldiers to make their political points and the liberal media jumps right in to cover their asses. When suppressing an enemy, strength in numbers COUNTS! Obama took the low road to steal money from the Department of the Defense, sacrificing our young sons and daughters so more scum-sucking loafers could get their free phones, food stamps, and free medical care. These brave men and women who gave their lives due to the bad decisions of ungrateful tyrant may be the lucky ones. This country is poised to give that sack of Shiite Obama another four years. If so, our suffering is just beginning.


  1. brutha in arms...we both kno' those that do not fight the wars don't really know or care what happens to those that do fight...or the ol' men that start wars send young men to fight them...

    you and I are among the many thousands of pieces of cannon be kicked to the curb...we are no longer useful to the deskjockyasskissers...

    I for one want our warriors HOME NOW...the crapinthehousecarpetpilotcamelhumpers don't want what we're sellin'...hell if I had been invaded I'd probably feel the same...

    our foreign policy has always been bad since we became the U.S. of that might cause some to say butt IGNORANUS HICK neckid is krazy...well kiddies go do some studyin' of our stoopid quote a former presidunce "carry a big' use it on your allies if they piss you off"...several cases have been just that...look it up...

    we need to get the halfrican out of the white house along wit' his many ass kissin' sinaturds an' reprehensables...or...

    find 19 stinkin' moooslambs wit' fully fueled airplanes that skipped the landin' class...

    1. Through the years, every time we change our presidunces we reset our alignments and policies. Quite often, new administrations punish those allied with the last administrations. And yet, we whine about other governments needing to honor treaties when they change. With so much turmoil who is to trust who? The only thing that seems a constant is every time we have a treaty that focks us over, the mundane citizens, those things stay. Lacey Act comes to mind.

      Been reloading my ammo, fletching/nocking my old crossbow bolts, and sharpening my hatchet/knife. Bad shit coming. I pity the fool that puts his boot through my door.

    2. boot???...naah!!!'ll be a berkenstock or flipflop...

    3. I am a little more partial to stilettos, black stockings with that seem that goes up the back.
