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All Christians pray for Obama, he really needs it: Psalms 109:8. I pray to the spirits upon the rising of every sun that all he has done to this country be repaid upon him. I pray that those who voluntarily swear an oath to accept so much responsibility only to violate that oath be dealt with severely by powers much greater than I. I also pray that those who voluntarily swear an oath to accept great responsibility and keep that oath be granted the blessings that their maker can bestow upon them. I am but an old feeble man, and though he can bring great damage and destruction upon me I can do nothing to him. And so I ask that the Great One, who sees into the hearts of all men, to look in his heart and judge him, for only the Great One knows what stuff he is made of.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Contemplating Secession?

Brought to you, courtesy of the National Defense Authorization Act and the Enemy Expatriation Act. Aka, the NDAA, EEA, and you, a secessionist's guide.

Under the NDAA and the EEA, secessionists now get the same treatment as Ahmed the terrorist! Sign the petition today for an all-expenses paid trip to....


  1. Fu(k OBAMA!

    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´

    1. Can't you find a medication to treat that problem of yours? Obama was legally elected. Get over it. It'll take a while to fix the problems your Repubicans created. If you really hate it here then just leave. And all that stuff of yours leave it too. You "earned" that because a strong government was here to protect you and create markets for you. We all worked together to make it happen. But leave if you must. We won't miss you a bit.

    2. I agree. If he's not willing to stay here and pull his weight he should just leave. I've never seen so much bile in an individual.

  2. I've been wondering where he is as well.

    SFCRet here.

  3. SFCRet- Let me know where you end up. (NostraDumbass).

  4. Still breathing. Been handing with Auntie Em. Some liberal troll over on her site needed to feel the love.

  5. Ouch...

    From you to a lib, "feel the love" has got to sting.


    Good to know you're still with us.
